Wednesday, April 27, 2011
E2... waiting for you.
Ok so who cave in and bought it?! I was going to wait another type of cutter that will work with my SCAL, but I figured that Iwill keep my old expression to do all my SCAL work and use my shiny new buggy for all my cricut stuff. Now I am patiently awaiting my Grillito's arrival. SIGH ... can't wait to play.

5 de Mayo Blog Hop
I am very excited to announce that I will participating in my very FIRST blog hop! I like going around and following people's hops but never actually participated in one. Abby from Scrapbookholic Abby has invited mua to the CINCO DE MAYO BLOG HOP to help us celebrate our Mexican heritage, how cool is she?
Stay tunned, I am already branstorming for my project. I will have a (very cute) SVG freebie and some blog candy too.... I mean who doesn't love BLOG CANDY!! its has no sugar no calories no fat and best of all FREEE. And no you do not need to be Mexican to participate ... ha ha ... you just have to like crafting, blog hopping and free stuff. Oh by the way CINCO de MAYO is Thursday, May 5th. LOL
Stay tunned, I am already branstorming for my project. I will have a (very cute) SVG freebie and some blog candy too.... I mean who doesn't love BLOG CANDY!! its has no sugar no calories no fat and best of all FREEE. And no you do not need to be Mexican to participate ... ha ha ... you just have to like crafting, blog hopping and free stuff. Oh by the way CINCO de MAYO is Thursday, May 5th. LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011
I run to be ..... Nike's Women's Marathon 10.16.11
Ok so this is not craft related, but I am VERY excited about it. After much encouragemnet and trying to become more active (and loose the extra pounds along the way) I have signed up for my firs HALF marathon. I know it's not a full one, but hey I want to set up a realistic goal so half a marathon with 6 months to train should be very doable and get me (lazy butt) off the couch.
I am on my 3rd week of trainning and have gone from a couch potato to running 3-4 times a week. I still cannot do a full run on my 2mile intro run, but I have have improved my running time by 3 minutes in just 3 weeks!! (considering my first run was more of a 2 mile walk ha ha). The only bad thing here is that this marathon is done by random drawing. You register between today and April 22. They do a random drawing by the end of the month to choose the participants. So I will keep running and pretend I am IN but I should know for sure by the end of the month.
The motto is I RUN TO BE ... (fill in the blank)... what would you run for?

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Easter ATCs
I started doing these ATCs for swaps, and fell in love with them. They are not very big at only 2.5 x 3.5 but they are such a great little space for letting your creativity loose. I made 5 of these using SVGcuts SPRING BUNNIES they are all so cute, it was hard to decide which one to use. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Blog Candy!!
Melin Over at Coocking with the Cricut has some fabulous blog candy to share. Head on over to her blog and check it out!

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